Hi Fire Family!! We are weeks away from our showcase and the first competition of the season. We are so proud of all of our athletes and can’t wait to see our queens to hit the mat. With that in mind, we wanted to put out some very important information pertaining to those events for yourselves as well as your athletes.
2024-2025 Competition Schedule has been posted in the Document section of this App. Please review the dates and locations and mark them on your calendar. Report Times and schedule information will be posted here in the Team App the Wednesday prior to the competition. All athletes will be required to report to their coaches in the assigned meeting spot at each competition. It is imperative that all athletes report on time. Most of our coaches are coaching more than one team this season and will not be able to wait for your athlete if you are running late. Any athlete that misses the last practice before any competition without the permission of their coach will not be allowed to participate in the that competition. Any athlete that does not come to a competition will be removed from the team immediately. All fees owed for the season will still be due as well as a $250.00 quitters fee. Your Athlete should report the coaches in their full uniform, with hair and make-up done and with no extra belongings as described below:
1. South Jersey Fire uniform top & Bottom – A black bra with straight shoulder straps and a thin black back band should be worn. If you can see the bra exposed, the bra is NOT acceptable.
2. SJF Basketball Jersey should be worn over all uniforms. It is mandatory for ALL All-Star athletes with crop top uniforms.
3. Hair should be worn all up in a high pony tail with cheer curls. Braids or hair that cannot be curled is NOT acceptable. Please keep in mind your athlete will be tumbling and stunting and excessive hair can be a hazard.
4. Competition Bow (to be supplied by SJF)
5. White no show ankle socks
6. All white cheer sneakers
7. Competition Make up – See picture in the news section – NO GLITTER EYE SHADOW OR LIP STICK (We will get a deduction per athlete) We are wearing Gray and Black eyeshadow (Smokey Eye & Red Lips.). Normal length eyelashes are acceptable – nothing outrageous please.
8. Athletes are NOT permitted to wear any jewelry, fake nails and/or nail polish, or hair ties on their wrists. Please be sure these items are removed prior to reporting to your coaches.
9. Athletes are to have no additional items with them (bags, clothing, cell phone etc.) please leave those items with your parents upon arrival.
10. All athletes will be expected to stay with their coaches and to cheer on all teams within the organization.
11. All athletes are to remain in full uniform throughout the entire competition and awards session. This means no pants or jackets are to be worn under or over your uniform, all bows must remain in your hair, and you must keep on your cheer shoes, no UGGs or slippers.
12. Please be aware that you are a representative of SJF and behave accordingly with good sportsmanship both within our organization and with other organizations as well. Unsportsmanlike conduct of any kind will not be tolerated. Any athlete in violation of any of the above will be written up for each occurrence. 3 write ups will result in removal from the organization.
Parents Rules of Conduct:
1. Good sportsmanship is mandatory at all competitions. Any parent involved in or who is reported as not showing good sportsmanship will be asked not to attend any future competitions.
2. Under NO circumstances should any parent, sibling, or any other person who is not an SJF Athlete or coach, enter the warm up area at any competition.
3. Do not yell to or try to get your child’s attention while they are in the warm up area at any competition. If you have something important that needs to be relayed to your athlete, please text their coach.
4. Do not gossip about other children, coaching staff, or other teams.
5. Monitor your athlete before and after competition. Human trafficking is huge at cheerleading events. Please keep an eye on your athlete.
6. Comply with the rules of SJFA.
Thanking you all in advance.
SJF Staff
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