Practice Dress Code

21 May 2024 by Coach Gwen

Hi Fire Family. We just wanted to send a reminder out about the practice appearance code at SJFA! Please be sure to adhere to these guidelines to ensure the safety of all of our athletes.

Practice Dress Code

• Athletes must wear the proper practice clothes until practice gear arrives. This include shorts, tank top, sports bra, T-shirt. Jean items are not permitted. Cheer shoes must be worn at every practice.
• Please keep in mind that shorts are meant to be worn as shorts and do not need to be rolled up excessively.
• Hair should be pulled up and out of the face. Beads and barrettes should be wrapped up in a scarf or bonnet.
• Females should wear bloomers/spandex and sports bras under their practice attire.
• NO Jewelry of any kind is allowed in the gym. Neither South Jersey Fire Allstars, nor a Power Athletics employees are responsible for jewelry if it is worn into the gym, removed for practice, lost or stolen.
• Fingernails should be kept clean and short. Fake fingernails can be very harmful to the athlete and teammates and are strongly discouraged during the season.
• New piercings are also strongly discouraged during the season

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

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