It’s Comp Day!! Let’s Go Fire Nation!

28 Jan 2023 by South Jersey Fire All-Stars

Good Morning Fire Nation! It’s Comp Day! Today is OUR day!! Words cannot describe how I am feeling this morning as I think about our queens hitting the mat for the first time today. There’s nervousness but excitement knowing that we’re going to go out there and set that mat on fire! TOGETHER!! One team! One dream! One goal! One heart! One Soul! One Family! Today, we will continue the legacy that burned down traditions and turned many winning competing legacies to ashes. To our competitors: let them know that this year – OUR FLAMES ARE ON HIGH And no matter how much they try, Win, lose or draw, they will NEVER put this fire out. WE ARE HERE and we’re going to prove to the world why we should be!! This is our moment. Let’s give our all today! Going through the motions won’t make an impact. Just showing up doesn’t lead to greatness either. You are fueled with fire so know on your heart you can do this!!! Michelangelo said, “If people knew how hard I worked to get my mastery it wouldn’t seem so wonderful at all.” It’s hard being great but we can achieve it. It’s well worth the effort so GO FOR IT! Today’s a good day to do it. When others doubt! You believe YOU CAN DO IT! When others say you can’t – tell them WATCH ME! Anything they can do WE can do better – TOGETHER. Fire Nation stand up!!!! We got this! One team. One dream. One family. Let’s go SJF!!

PARENTS: We need you!!! Please come down when it’s our turn & cheer our on teams no matter what happens on that floor. You are the difference makers. Let them see & hear you!. Let’s do this!!! Let’s go SJF!!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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